
Rising Stars: Meet Henry LoConti

Today we’d like to introduce you to Henry LoConti.  

Hi Henry, so excited to have you with us today. What can you tell us about your story?
I was interested in music at a very early age and started playing the guitar at 12 years old. Around the same time, my brother Michael started playing the drums, which sparked our jam sessions. As kids, we would jam in our parent’s basement for hours after school…making up our own songs as well as covering the songs that we loved. My brother and I eventually formed our first band in high school with some friends, but it wasn’t at all serious. We would just play music at house parties and write songs for fun. It wasn’t until I graduated high school in 2018 that I found an interest in bar gigs and performing live. For the first three years of college, I enjoyed playing out as much as I could and meeting other local musicians, all while learning as much as I could about music theory. By March 2022, we had formed the band “LoConti”; my brother Michael on drums, Eric Sconyers on saxophone and keyboard, Erin Donovan on vocals, Tyler Pirc on Bass, Trevor Carmichael on guitar, and me on vocals and guitar. We also developed a fantastic lighting and sound system managed by my high school friend, Dante Patt. This allowed us to offer a different look and sound compared to other local musicians. It was during this formative year, that Tyler Pirc then introduced me to his friend Billy Carrick who was an audio engineer and studio producer. The two of us found that we had similar musical interests, and around the fall of 2022, we began working on the debut LoConti album together. In addition to this, Eric Sconyers had a deep history and knowledge of jazz theory which he infuses into the band every day. We are still currently working on the album right now and will be until the end of this upcoming May. Recording, producing, and mixing all of the tracks in Billy’s home studio in Cleveland gives us the creative freedom we were all looking for. Through this collaboration, we have all become very good friends with an understanding of each other’s musical styles, which reflect in the live performances we put out. Today, we play out in bars, venues, and private parties as much as we can. Also, we currently have two released singles as well as a debut album coming out sometime in May. 

After our first gig as a full band, we knew we had something special. We were able to come together and make something real no matter what was going on in school, work, or life. 

We found our sound by playing live gigs weekend after weekend, which in turn has molded and refined our original tunes. Whether it’s a ticketed gig at a venue or a four-hour gig at a bar in Cleveland, we always show up with a new idea, sound, or riff. It’s exciting because we’re always trying to impress the other band members, which in turn creates a more exciting show for both us and the crowd. This honestly is my favorite part about this band since it’s the most organic thing about us. We found each other by enjoying each other’s individual and unique sounds. Now, if one of the band members pulls out a sound or riff during a set that I really dig, it keeps me on my toes and pushes me to play better or bring something to the next gig that I’ve never tried before. That, to me, is why we are where we are today. 

We all face challenges, but looking back, would you describe it as a relatively smooth road?
Fortunately for us, every member of this group is extremely passionate about what they do, which makes the roadblocks manageable and sometimes enjoyable. We experience the same amount of friction as every other band trying to make it…we just know that the music is much bigger than us, and that allows us to focus on what’s important. Every one of us already had a musical background before starting this band, so we all kind of had a general idea of how to make this thing work and what it would take to release a full-length album. Creating this debut album has been very difficult given that we’re doing everything ourselves and with a small budget, but honestly, we wouldn’t want it any other way. Incredible and unexpected things have come out of this DIY way of making a record. 

Can you tell our readers more about what you do and what you think sets you apart from others?
My name is Henry LoConti (23), and I sing and play the guitar for the band “LoConti.” I am most proud of writing the songs for our upcoming debut album. I believe my live performances set me apart from others. When I and the band get together for a gig, we generally have everything planned and rehearsed, but we leave ourselves these large pockets in the set to do things that are unexpected. Many of the things we play during those sets are created on the spot and inspired by what’s happening at the moment, even though there’s a chance it might not work! I’m lucky to be in a band with people talented enough to be able to do that. When you come to one of our shows, you’re experiencing something real and in time. 

Do you have any memories from childhood that you can share with us?
My favorite childhood memory would have to be hiking in the woods with my brothers Carmen, Michael, and Jon-Anthony. 

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Originally Published by Voyage Ohio


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